My husband and I love to garden and have a small vegetable garden bed set up in our backyard. The other day was weed day! Not that kind of weed day; it was time to pick the weeds growing in our garden. Picking weed is very important to maintain a garden. The obvious reason for this is to keep the garden looking clean and pretty. The most important reason however, is that weeds take up a good amount of the nutrients, leaving the vegetables and plants with less resources to grow and flourish. It’s also important to pick the weed while they are small in size. The bigger they get, the more difficult it is to pick them out. The chances of picking out a plants root while picking a grown weed is also very high. I thought about this in relation to our daily lives.
The whole weed picking act is relatable in all our lives. As we grow, there will be many weed that grow along aside us. Some may come as negative thoughts, some in bad habits or some may even come in form of people! We need to pluck them out of our lives for good, before they destroy our garden of life. Removing these weeds in a timely manner is vital for our survival and well-being.
Call for ACTION: Pick a day to rest and retreat from your busy life. Write down what are the weeds in your life that is holding you back from growing? How can you pluck them out without hurting your roots? Make a game plan to remove one bad habit or negative thought from your life!