Staying quarantine at home is hard, but it’s even harder for people who love to be out and about. I am one of those people. I need to get out and get some fresh air, go somewhere new or just do something out of routine. Staying inside and at home all day long makes me very sluggish, unmotivated and moody. So I put a list together for all the travel lovers out there (as well as for myself) for all the fun travel-like activities you can do during this quarantine season! Check it out!
1 Pick up a book!
As a travel lover, you must have already been to several places that holds so much history that you are not aware of. So, what better thing to do than to pick up a book that teaches you so much history about a place you have visited (or one you would like to visit in the future). I love reading through Rick Steve’s, Lonely Planet and other similar travel info books. I also love semi travel-related fiction stories that teach me about cultures, animals and more!
2 Backyard Adventure
When you step out into your backyard, there lies a whole new world of adventure. If you like to travel, you are most likely to be an outdoor person. You can do so many things in the backyard, such as planting a vegetable garden (perfect timing to do so!), planting flowers or a even a tree! If you don’t have a green thumb, you can still do more things. You can always take your children/pets out to play (and build immunity), work on making your backyard prettier or build a bird bath or feeder!
3 Learn Geography
Did you know that 11 percent of the young citizens in the USA cannot locate USA on the world map? I was dumbfounded upon learning this from a National Geographic’s survey. This is a great time to educate your children AND yourself about world geography! I can stare at maps all day long, especially huge world maps! Looking at where countries are in relation to each other and learning geography makes time fly! I guess this goes along with the love of travel. Let’s make it a mission during this quarantine to brush up on our geography. (At least so that we can relate to it when CNN tells us about the countries with the coronavirus!)
4 Learn a New Language
With all the FREE resources we have available online, you don’t need to go into a classroom to learn a new language. There are tons of books and YouTube videos on how to learn any language. Many people (including myself) don’t know how to write or read in their mother tongue fluently. You can work on improving your native language as well as learn other common languages or phrases around the world. The more spoken languages throughout the world besides English are Mandarin, Spanish, Hindi, French and Arabic! Learning small phrases in different languages go a long way when traveling!
5 Explore Cultures
This is one of my favorite things to do, regardless if there is a quarantine or not. I love a culture filled country and people who are full of culture and ethnicity. One way to do this is to watch movies or documentaries about a particular culture. I love watching National Geographic and watching travel YouTube videos just to see what a place is all about. Another way to learn about cultures is to do some research online! There are so many great educational websites that gives you culture and history on countries around the world.
6 Cook an International Dish
Cooking is not one of my favorite things to do, but I do love experimenting with international dishes. After our trip to Italy, we were all about making lasagna and pastas (By we, I mean my husband makes it and I am his assistant). After Thailand, all I wanted was some Thai curry and sticky rice. Learning how to make these international dishes are so much more fun and exciting for me.
7 Work Out
You might ask why this is on the list for travelers. Believe it or not, when you are traveling, you need a lot of energy, strength and endurance. We were supposed to be hiking a volcano trail in Guatemala at the moment I am writing this. Adventures activities such as hiking takes more than just a little effort and we had been preparing for it the past few weeks. Well, why not keep working out and be ready for an adventure at any time?
Check out my blog post on our trip to Costa Rica!
8 Practice Minimalism ( & Spring Cleaning)
We travelers have learned over time that having less things to show and more stories to tell is the way to go. Over the past five years of traveling, I have learned that I need much less than I think I do. I also learned to adjust with what I have, minimize my uses for every day things and use resources more efficiently. This is a great time to go through all your things, donate what you can and toss the rest. We also have the time to really get into some deep cleaning, one room at a time.
9 Budget & Financing
This is one of the most important things you can do or catch up on, during the quarantine! This is a perfect time to revisit those travel expenses, finances and future plans. Budgeting travel into your annual expenses is an important thing to do if you want to travel often. This helps to keep your overall budget in check and helps you to prioritize your traveling. Since I haven’t been keeping up with this as often as I should, I’ll also be working on it this week!
Do you have any other ideas for my travel lovers? If so, comment below and let me know!
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