Today is April 21st and we are about six weeks into quarantine. If you’re feeling down and unmotivated during this time, you’re not alone. A day home without work seems to drag and become very unproductive. A few of my days were the same, no matter how much I tried to get up and going. One day though, when I woke up, instead of staying in my pajamas, I changed out into work out clothes. I realized that the simple cues we give our mind is powerful and is motivation in itself. Just by one small change in routine that morning, I was able to complete so much more things that day. So I have put together a very basic list of things you can do to help boost your productivity, motivation and mood!
Note: Many of the things on the list are basic things we do on a daily basis. However, when we stay home for days on end, we tend to not do these things and not see the point for it. But these little things make the biggest difference!
1 Make your bed! During quarantine, people tend to not make their bed after sleeping in or knowing that they will be back for a nap in a short time. However making your bed right when you wake up gives you a sense of accomplishment right from the start. Another reason is that it prevents you from just slipping under the covers for just another ten minutes of lazy time.
2 Cold Shower! A cold shower early in the morning can help get you going, EVEN if you have no where to go. It doesn’t matter that you have no where to go. This will help your body to wake up from slumber and get your mind moving and ready for the day.
3 Change out of your pajamas! Changing out of your pajamas into work out clothes or even casuals will change your mood immensely. When you are in pajamas, you automatically are in a relaxed, lazy phase versus if you are in work out clothes. If you are in work out clothes or just anything other than pajamas, you will increase your motivation and feel ready to tackle something! And that’s exactly what you should do. Something. Anything.
4 Brew coffee! Or whatever it takes you to get going in the morning. The smell of coffee alone makes me wake up and feeling good! It activates your mind and uplifts your mood.
PS. Starbucks is giving free coffee/iced coffee to all healthcare workers during this pandemic! And they are very sweet about it!
5 Get some sunshine & fresh air! Open up those blinds, crack open a window and maybe even a door. Step outside for a few minutes, maybe with your coffee in hand and enjoy the morning sun.
6 Go for a walk/jog. Getting up and going out for a jog can be the very routine you need in the morning. This alone will make you do most of the things on the list above. If doing this is hard, just change your clothes and put on your sneakers without thinking twice. Then, decide if you want to go for a walk and do this every day. Daily walks have become our thing since we can’t go to the gym these days and it helps us to keep up our motivation during these gloomy days.
*If going for a walk or jog is too much for you, at least go check the mail! Walk to your mail box, no matter how far it is and check your mail!
7 Play music. Playing music can lift up your mood and you can get a lot more done at home without it being a drag. Playing music helps me to get into my workout mode; it pumps me up and there I am, already off the couch.
8 Make up, hair and more! This is my sixth week going without no foundation. The funny thing is that I actually still go out for work >_<
The days I take the effort to put makeup on, I feel better and ready to do more! And that’s because when you put makeup on, do your hair and dress up, you don’t do it for someone else; you do it for yourself!
9 Write a list! Make a list of things to do the day before. It can be anything you want to get done and doesn’t only have to be work related. You can put self care things on there, a new dish idea to make or even to clean up one area of the house. When you see a list of things to do for the day, it’s more likely that you will them done without having the option to decide whether to do it or not.
0 Put away your phone! While everything else on the list was something TO DO, this is something you should avoid. This is the one thing I still have a hard time with when I am at home all day, even though I am fully aware that excessive screen time is harmful to the mind and body. I can’t leave my phone next to me; by habit, I will pick it up and end up on Instagram scrolling away mindlessly. I have to physically take it and put it in another room. Does it work? Definitely. Out of sight, out of mind. I get so much more done if I take my phone and just leave it somewhere in the house that I don’t go to often.
Often, its the simple things that are harder to follow through with. Comment below and let me know if these small tips helps you to get motivated again and boost your productivity during these long long days!
Are you one of the people who have the motivation to do something, but don’t have anything to do? Check out this list of travel related activities you can do during the quarantine!
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