My five year old pug, Charlie and I have been together through some major life events. Mine mainly consists of getting married and moving to Dallas. His consists of surviving many near death experiences, getting a new dad who spoils him rotten and occasional long distance road trips with his “hoomans”. If you have a pet, or have had one before, you will be able to relate to these daily posts about Charlie. But even if you don’t, keep reading to see why having a dog has taught me about life and purpose.
I can go on and on about all the things I have learned after getting Charlie. (And yes, I’m that dog mom who will show you ALL his pictures if you ask for one!) I think the most important lesson I have learned from him is his purpose. His daily purpose in life is to please his master, his hooman, me! His goal is to always be a “good boy” and to hear that praise from me. He is the most content when he is by my side, even when we are in a dog park with so many other dogs and people! It’s also probably his first waking thought (along with wondering what’s for lunch). You might ask what is the lesson here?
Charlie’s unending loyalty, his need for approval and his wish to be in his master’s presence makes me think deeply about MY true purpose in life. Only if we would love our Master, seek His appreciation and find comfort in His presence, the same way Charlie does his. If only… then maybe we will also be able to live out our true purpose in life.