If you are asking this question, you are not alone!
We are in August of 2020 and most of us are ready to put this virus past us and get back to traveling abroad. Many travel plans have been cancelled because of the virus and we are ready to resume it! There are a handful of places that are allowing US citizens to enter, which include Mexico, Dominican Republic, Turkey, Maldives, Albania and a few more. (See full list on the official CNN website.)
However, is it safe to travel just yet? Just because some of these countries are opening it’s borders to the US, it does not mean it is completely safe to travel yet. CNN still advises against all non-essential travel for your safety and the safety of others. This will most likely last all until the end of 2020. (What a year!) If you decide to go, here are some factors that you may want to think through before you actually plan the trip!
Where you live plays an important role in determining if you should travel by air. If you live in a city with a big international airports like Chicago, Dallas or Atlanta, your airports probably won’t be empty at this time. There will be many people flying for essential needs, who have layover and flight changes within big airports such as these. What does that mean? More people equals more movement which means you have a higher chance of catching the virus from someone else. More people flying also means that the airplane will be more filled and there will be more interaction between you and strangers. Now, if you live in Nowhere, Oklahoma (believe it or not, there is such a place!) and fly out from a smaller airport, then your chances of getting the virus are considerably less.
Where you want to travel to also makes a huge difference. The countries listed above allow US citizens, but there is a longer list of countries that have strict requirements. Some countries like Aruba and Bermuda require you to have a negative Covid-19 test result within 3-7 days. Others like Croatia and Egypt require the test within the last 2 days. Even then, most of these countries are limited in which state you can travel from and some require a 14 day quarantine and self isolation. A few of these countries even require an additional fine you must pay to enter the country. Countries like Belize, who fully run on tourism, only requires you to show no symptoms within the past 3 days.
(See a full list of what the requirements and limitations are in each country HERE. )
Your Age & Health
Although the virus is hitting ALL age groups at this time, it is highly affecting the elderly population and those with underlying issues. The fatality rate increases as age and underlying issues increase. If you are in one of these categories, then hopping on a plane is not the safest thing to do. If you are young and completely healthy, your risk of dying with the virus is low. However, you are still easily able to catch and spread the virus.
Field of Work
The field you work in also play a major role when deciding whether you should travel now or not. For example, if you work in the health care field and see elderly and immune compromised people often (like me!) then traveling right now may not be a good idea. If you work at home and don’t come in contact with other people as often, then you are at less risk of spreading the virus to others. After all, the pandemic is not only about you as an individual, its affecting the whole world!
Travel Companions
Another thing you need to consider while thinking about resuming travel is who you will be traveling with. Are you traveling with toddlers who touch EVERYTHING and then put their hands in their mouth for no reason? Unless there is an immediate need to travel with young kids at this time, I would highly recommend not taking young children on a plane. Even though kids have a less chance of catching the virus, they can still spread it. And we all know how easily kids can spread germs. If you don’t know, check out your local daycare!
Do you know where you will be staying after you get to your destination? If you are traveling to an elderly family member and plan on staying at home with them, you might be bringing home more than just souvenirs. If you must travel to visit family, get a hotel for the first two weeks, just to be on the safe side!
Or get an Airbnb home! Here, use my code to get up to $65 off your first stay!!!
Let’s all play a part and keep this virus on the low by making responsible decisions about travel! Is it really worth going through all this trouble and risk getting yourself and others sick? Although I cannot wait to get on a plane again myself, I understand the responsibilities that come along with working in the health field. Until everything dies down, hubby and I making plans for traveling locally.
Are you looking for alternative methods of travel that doesn’t require you to hop on a plane? Great idea! No matter where you live, I am sure you have not explored all parts of your own state or neighboring states. This is a great time to do so, which makes 2020 a good year for road trips. Check out all my local traveling within Texas & Oklahoma for a few ideas!
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