Day twelve: What do we tell ourselves?

In one of my earlier daily posts, I wrote that we should make ourselves believe and manifest it into reality. My post today will tell you exactly the opposite. Many times, it’s good to believe in ourselves and tell ourselves what we want over and over again to make it come true. And most of the time, it does become true. But the key is to know what to believe and what NOT to believe. There are a few instances when you should reconsider doing this. You shouldn’t tell yourself stories and make yourself to believe it’s true in your head, only to realize later that it’s not. This will drop you head first into a reality that you cannot accept or cannot cope with. So, what are these instances I am referring to? Keep reading!

1 It’s unrealistic. Sometimes we tell ourselves things that are unrealistic. Yes, shoot for the stars and set high goals. At the same time, be realistic about it. If I wanted to become president of the United States or a unicorn, I obviously could not. If I keep telling myself I will become the president even though I know the rules, regulations and requirements, I am setting myself up for failure. If I want to turn myself into a mystical creature, I’m setting myself up for failure again. However, if I tell myself I’m going to become a doctor one day, that is an achievable, realistic goal.

2 It’s based on someone else. When your story involves the hard work and commitment of someone else, you are doing yourself (and them!) injustice by setting high beliefs. If you believe and you can achieve on your own, then by all means, go for it! But if includes a second person, who might not be able to meet you half way, then you might run into some trouble. For example, if you make a goal of traveling the world with someone else and that person does not show up over and over, then your goal will not reach the heights you want it to.

3 Feelings are involved. Often when feelings are involved, your brain is not. Avoid making yourself believe stories that have to do with your own or someone else’s feelings. When you are at a heightened state of feeling, whether it is excitement or sadness, you tend to make decisions based on that temporary feeling. But feelings are exactly that; temporary. They will fade away and life will go on, with the effects of the decisions you made at that moment. Don’t try to manifest anything based on feelings!

Call to ACTON:
1. Set realistic goals with steps and time limits;
2. Don’t base your goals and ‘make believes’ on someone else’s life.
3. Never make decisions based on heightened feelings at the moment.

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